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Menopause Overview
This page defines and discusses menopause, surgical menopause and premature menopause...

Menopausal Symptoms
A woman may experience a number of changes in the way she feels at or prior to menopause. We call these changes the "symptoms" of menopause. This page defines and discusses menopausal symptoms and their treatment...

Sex and Menopause
Loss of sexual desire and ability to participate in and enjoy sex is not a normal part of aging. Dr Nosanchuk explains why a menopausal woman's desire to have sex and her capacity to physically participate in sex are both affected by her menopause...

Menopause & Weight Gain
Dr Nosanchuk discusses the factors that influence weight gain in menopausal women...

Menopause & Migraine
This section discusses the nature of migraines and its relationship to menopause and hormone levels. In addition it provides strategies that may reduce the number and frequency of headaches...

Menopause & Hair Loss

One of the concerns shared by women of menopausal age is the possibility of hair loss. The importance modern society associates with an attractively styled hairdo is reflected by a thriving multi-billion dollar industry involved in the cutting, styling, washing and coloring of hair. When hair loss occurs to a menopausal woman, it is certainly stressful, as this situation may diminish body image satisfaction and self-esteem. The impact can be devastating and affect psychological adjustment and quality of life ...




Appointments with Dr. Nosanchuk can be made by contacting Caroline
(248) 644-7200 from 10:00am to 6:00pm Monday - Friday (EST).


IMPORTANT: This web site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to suggest a specific therapy for any individual and must not be construed to establish a physician/patient relationship.

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