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One reason is that obtaining accurate up to date information about the menopausal process and its effects and treatment options can be difficult.

In grade school all young girls learn about puberty from a reliable, informed source. They are taught about the inherent responsibilities of rising hormone levels and are also given instruction about the accompanying physical and psychological effects. By the time puberty occurs, most young girls are somewhat knowledgeable about the process and reasonably prepared for their future.

So, where do premenopausal women learn about menopause? Good question! Unfortunately, there is no central clearing house for women to learn about menopause. Most women get their information from friends, magazines, the media and doctors, probably in that order. Much of what they are exposed to consists of myths and misinformation.


Books written by knowledgeable and reliable health professionals whose agenda is to educate you, not sell you miracle creams and pills. Consider the professional background and frame of reference of the author.

The results of studies and reviews of topics published in respected medical journals and magazine articles that interpret and analyze their content in laymen's terms will often provide the most current information. I frequently give a copy of journal article to a patients who has a concern or question that is specifically addressed by the content of the article and discuss it with them when they return.

Be discerning and skeptical about anything you read or are told. When someone tells you that "medical studies have shown..."ask which study, who wrote it, under whose auspices it was done, when was it published and in what journal. Then consider getting the article, reading it and discussing it with your physician. Give more credence to a study or review published in a periodical such as The Journal of the American Medical Association, The New England Journal of Medicine or The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology or anything published by The North American Menopause Society and less credence to something that ultimately falls into the "Journal of Let Me Take Advantage of Your Fears and Take Your Money" category.


Seek a physician who has a sincere interest in treating and educating menopausal women and has taken the time to become knowledgeable about the menopausal process and available management options.

Recently, I spoke to a physician about the need for appropriate education and care of the menopausal and premenopausal patient. The physician's response was that it sounded too "time consuming" and that it would detract from more profit oriented patient contact. Obviously, this type of physician is not a wise choice.

The North American Menopause Society can provide you with relevant and reliable publications and the names of member physicians in your geographic area. Something as simple as asking a receptionist if the doctor is comfortable with or enjoys caring for menopausal women can be surprisingly revealing. Ask friends or acquaintances about their experiences with their physicians as well.

Patients often have an unreasonable fear of changing doctors. If the physician doesn't fit you ... move on. Don't worry about your medical records, a new physician can request them and besides you will be bringing along the important source of information ... you.

Education is the key to empowerment. Knowledge of the menopausal process and current medical options allow women to actively participate in decisions that affect quality of life and longevity. The alternative is to be a passive recipient of unilateral physicians directives. 

               ...Dr N



Appointments with Dr. Nosanchuk can be made by contacting Caroline
(248) 644-7200 from 10:00am to 6:00pm Monday - Friday (EST).


IMPORTANT: This web site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to suggest a specific therapy for any individual and must not be construed to establish a physician/patient relationship.

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