About HRT

Look younger, prevent your skin from aging, avoid hair loss and have a great sex life  

Dr. N provides natural hormone regimens for both men and women including hormone pellet implants to keep you looking years younger, restore your sex life, maintain lean body mass, resolve hot flashes, sweats, sleep disturbances, headaches, fatigue and depression. Call us for an office or virtual visit (248) 644-7200

The rationale for using hormone replacement therapy is to improve and maintain your quality of life and increase your life expectancy.

Every menopausal woman is unique. Her menopausal experience and her response to hormone therapy is unique. Some women respond to the more the routine programs of hormone replacement and other women require a more ideal program to regain their optimal quality of life. If your quality of life was great and your sex life was great before your menopause your quality of life and sex life can be great after your menopause.

I regularly see women on a sub-optimal program of hormone replacement therapy and who continue to experience persistent menopausal symptoms and sexual dysfunction. Their physician may tell them that they are already on appropriate treatment that “always works on my other patients.”  The implication is that the patient is the problem. It’s not the patient it’s the hormone therapy program and a more effective program will resolve the issue.

Dr. N is a practicing physician who has specialized in the care of menopausal women and hormone deficient men for over 30 years.  His office is located in Southeastern Michigan.  Call for an office or virtual appointment (248) 644-7200 Monday through Friday from 10AM to 4PM

IMPORTANT: This website is for educational purposes only.  It is not intended to suggest a specific therapy for any individual and must not be construed to establish a physician patient relationship.

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Dr. N’s website provides Information on Bio-Identical and Natural Hormone Therapy, Hormone Pellet Implants, Compounded Hormone Gels, Patches and Creams. Dr. N has specialized in the care of menopausal women and hormone deficient men for over 30 years. His office is located in Southeastern Michigan. Call us for an office or virtual visit call (248) 644-7200